Computer Science

What is Computer Science?

Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. The study looks at software systems and applications including theory design and development.

Computer Science at Sunnydown School explores artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, graphics, numerical analysis and programming languages.

Why do we teach Computer Science at Sunnydown?

Computing is now an integral part of our lives and a key part of education, work, entertainment and communication. This means understanding the different dimensions of computing is now a necessary skill set.

At Sunnydown School we aim to develop confident learners who are computer literate and proficient in the use of technology. Users who are aware of threats, misinformation and can remain safe in a digital world as responsible citizens.

We look to develop understanding of the legal and ethical issues as well as develop critical skills of analysis, problem solving, design and evaluation.

The knowledge and skills acquired from Computer Science will help students navigate and adapt to new and emerging technologies. Our curriculum will provide a solid foundation to study further computing and equip students with a set of transferable skills to utilise in other disciplines.

How do we teach Computer Science?

At Sunndydown we recognise every child is different and adopt a range of approaches to educate students including theory and practical problem solving through active learning.

We encourage students to be creative and develop their logical thinking skills through games and various software applications. We extend opportunities to learn beyond the classroom with school clubs and the Friday curriculum where students can engage in robotics and programming in a different environment. We nurture curiosity and encourage students to independently explore new and emerging technology.

Our Y7 and Y8 Computer Science curriculum has been designed to introduce students to various aspects of computing in a logical sequence with each new topic building on previously acquired knowledge. Core computational concepts are revisited periodically during teaching of various topics to ensure they are embedded in long term memory. This re-enforces learning and provides a smooth transition to new concepts. In Y9, aspects of computer science are embedded across the curriculum.

Programming is initially taught through a block based visual programming language. As students become more confident in their knowledge and ability we progress to a text based language. Students are also taught how to use other tools including mind maps, flow charts and logic gates.

As a Google School, each student is equipped with a Chrome book, access to Classroom and a range of learning applications through G-Suite and other external sources. All resources are made available online. The Classroom environment provides students with the opportunity to work collaboratively and seamlessly in a paperless environment with timely feedback to help them progress.

Our Computer Science curriculum offers a broad and balanced education in the world of technology and promotes digital literacy and communication.

How do we teach Computer Science at Key Stage 4?

If a student shows an aptitude for Computer Science, we would explore this at KS4.


Curriculum Plans