SMSC and British/ Sunnydown Values
SMSC is defined as 'Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development'. SMSC is not new in schools and therefore not new at Sunnydown. It has been part of teaching and learning in schools since 1944. From Sept 2014, with revisions in the Ofsted inspection hand book, there has been increasing emphasis on the provision and quality of SMSC and British Values.
All subjects taught at Sunnydown have all the four dimensions of SMSC embedded in them. We actively promote the fundamental British/Sunnydown values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Good behaviour is promoted at all times and in all areas of school life and pupils are supported to achieve to their highest potential.
Their lives transformed in the five year journey at Sunnydown preparing them for life in modern Britain.