Our Mission
To create a successful and unique journey for every young man so that he is:
Nurtured to be Resilient;
Supported to develop Independence;
Cooperative and his interpersonal skills are enhanced through Encouragement;
Enabled to be confident and tolerant.
Empowered to be responsible.
We intend to raise pupil’s aspirations and enable them to make informed decisions about their future studies and career options. We strive to provide a comprehensive and progressive careers programme that enables pupils to successfully transition to the exciting next stage of their journey.
Sunnydown Careers lead - Ben Wright (contact details: b.wright@sunnydown.surrey.sch.uk, 01883 342281)
Careers SLT link - Paul Jensen - Head teacher
Careers Assistant - Lynne McCarthy - LTA
Careers Assistant - Claire Brooks - TA
Our Approach
We are working towards achieving the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance identified in a report published by Lord Sainsbury’s Gatsby Charitable Foundation in 2014 and use the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool to evaluate our provision. We continue to develop our practice using the SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit.
Our Delivery Model
All Sunnydown pupils will have regular access to the START online Careers platform, which is an excellent web based resource designed to connect pupils with their future career potential. Each pupil builds his own unique profile and record of achievement over time. This journey starts in Year 7 as pupils start to identify their interests, work preferences and importantly their qualities although these can change over time.
Sunnydown has established effective partnerships to enhance our provision for the young men. Partners include:
Enterprise Advisor - Lisa Hobbs - Coast to Capital local Enterprise partnership
Local business Advisor - Mary Asante – Maysante Consultancy Ltd
ALPS Network Manager - Sue Taylor - Association of learning Providers in Surrey
CDI (careers development institute)
SEND Careers cluster group including Coast to capital, Limpsfield Grange, Woodfield School, The Orpheus Centre, Young Epilepsy, Job centre plus and NESCOT.
East Surrey College
Local employers
Local Business Links
Sunnydown hosts an annual business breakfast for local businesses and our career partners to enhance links and look at ways that we can collectively enhance our provision.
For full details of our careers programme and our Provider Access Statement, please download the documents above or contact Ben Wright, Careers Lead - b.wright@sunnydown.surrey.sch.uk, 01883 342281
The next review for the careers programme will be Spring 2021.